The growing challenges facing telecoms companies in delivering high quality infrastructure

Telecoms in the UK has been at the heart of digital disruption for some time – and continues to see huge rates of growth year on year. With plenty of opportunity for revenue, there is no shortage of competition in the industry.  

Upgrading existing and rolling out new telecoms infrastructure is a necessary, and often complicated, process. Proper project management is vital to manage each stage of a new roll-out, and as an industry with a foothold in digital disruption, choosing the right digital tools to support projects can be key in addressing challenges. 

The need for constant upgrades with new technology (5G and beyond) 

Not a year goes by without a huge jump in technological advancements, and mobile connectivity drives a lot of the demand. There was a time when 3G was considered the glass ceiling for speedy connections, yet here we are largely enjoying lightning-fast 5G in our pockets. Implementing and managing 5G connectivity is a continual process across the country and build projects are vast – covering network planning right up to installing base stations and antennas. Demand for better coverage in more remote areas means telecoms companies are under a lot of pressure to deliver infrastructure in narrow timeframes; digital project management tools that take the hassle out of planning and resource management can ease the burden. Having a clear digital audit trail of project progress and completion also means there is a reference point for data and information when it comes to inevitable upgrading of these services as more advanced connectivity is rolled out.

Intense competition as more companies offer faster services

The race to provide better and faster connectivity doesn’t seem to ease off, with new internet providers appearing regularly to promise remote areas access to the high speeds that larger towns and cities enjoy. With plenty of remote towns and villages in the UK competition to reach these areas can be fierce; ISP comparison sites are an indication of just how many options there are for consumers. Increased competition levels means that service providers must move fast, and work to install infrastructure in record time to stay ahead of rivals. And increased speed of projects doesn’t mean quality can fall by the way-side – these installations are large, can be time consuming and often impact residential areas while work is undertaken. There must be reassurance that disruption is worth it – so project quality and efficiency is absolutely crucial.

Shifting consumer preferences (e.g., working from home)

In 2020, the world changed in ways that many of us couldn’t comprehend and while we are largely living life as before, there are some adaptations that have stayed with us. With so many people forced to work remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of businesses came to realise that flexible working was not only possible – but good for a motivated and happy workforce. A better work-life balance comes with demands though; reliable internet connectivity is non-negotiable for those who are working from home. This shift in priorities for people’s home internet connections has been a huge catalyst for demand and resulted in the need for rapid deployment of high-speed reliable internet in residential areas.  

Sustainability and waste reduction

No industry has been untouched by the pressure to adopt more sustainable working practices and work towards reducing environmental impact. Any type of build project must incorporate sustainability into project planning and execution to meet regulations; telecoms projects are no different. And as these projects are usually highly visible in populated areas – efficient management of waste and environmental impact is vital.  

Digital project management enabling better collaboration on complex projects 

Keeping a workforce engaged in working collaboratively to address each of these challenges is at the heart of successful project delivery in a world where demand can often outstrip supply. And the key to successful collaboration can lie in the tools you choose to manage projects to deliver vital infrastructure. Here’s where choosing the best technology partner can mean the difference between a failed project and business growth.  

Explore your specific project needs and goals with a Fonn specialist – get on the road to better project management today. 


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